Museum of Northern Arizona exterior

VENTURES 2007 • Museum of Northern Arizona

Expertly exploring the Colorado Plateau for three decades
The year 2007 marks the 30th anniversary of the Museum of Northern Arizona’s Venturesprogram. In 1977, MNA started with a half dozen trips to some of the most exciting places on the Colorado Plateau. Then, as now, the concept was simple: pair Venturers with the most knowledgeable and experienced leaders and guides available, and go.

MNA’s Ventures is celebrating its 30-year anniversary with exceptional outdoor experiences and trip schedules at a new website,, and is offering an Early Bird Discount of $50 on most trips booked before February 15.

MNA Director Robert Breunig was the founder of the Ventures program. He says, “Our ultimate objective was to help people, through direct experiences, to better understand the incredible range of places and the myriad of ways of looking at the Colorado Plateau. We believed 30 years ago, as we do today, that the best hope for the future of this region is an educated public that shares MNA’s passion for this place.”

MNA Ventures offer unparalleled opportunities to discover and explore the Colorado Plateau—130,000 square miles of spectacular mountains, mesas, and canyonlands in the Four Corners region of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. Venturers experience the rich natural wonders and cultures of this region through the eyes of scientists, writers, artists, cultural consultants, and guides.

Ventures trips range in length from a day to a week. Diverse itineraries for the uninitiated to the ultra-experienced include hiking, backpacking, river rafting, biking, and photography excursions on the Plateau. Groups are small to allow maximum interaction between participants and trip leaders. For those wishing to explore the Southwest’s treasures:

Hotel- and lodge-based trips feature easy to moderate day hikes
Camping/hiking trips feature moderate to strenuous day hikes with vehicle and base camp support
Wilderness trips venture into remote regions by foot and boat for multiple days
Day trips feature easy to moderate hikes and van support
Custom tours offer unparalleled educational opportunities for all kinds of groups.

The Museum of Northern Arizona is one of the great regional museums of our world, surrounded by tremendous geological, biological, and cultural resources in one of Earth’s most spectacular landscapes. With a long and illustrious history, MNA evokes the very spirit of the Colorado Plateau, including the Grand Canyon and Four Corners regions, inspiring a sense of love and responsibility for the beauty and diversity of the area.

Located three miles north of historic downtown Flagstaff on Highway 180, the Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. More information about MNA is available at or 928/774-5213.