Sharon Angelo
Sharon Angelo has lived in Sedona Arizona since 2003. Prior to moving to Sedona, Sharon lived in York, Pennsylvania where she worked as the coordinator of the Cleft Palate Clinic of York County for twenty-five years and the Hoodner Memorial Dental Clinic for fifteen years. She served on several community nonprofit boards. She enthusiastically was a member of the board of trustees of MNA for 8 years. While doing so she served on the Facilities, Governance, Collections, and Development committees. She was chairman of the Development committee and served as secretary for the Board of Trustees.
Living in Sedona she is a member of the Sedona Intl Film Festival, Sedona Arts Center, Sedona Heritage Museum, and Seven Canyons. Sharon is an active/award winning quilter, a member of 2 quilt groups and the Arizona Quilt Guild. Sharon and her husband Bob have 3 sons, 3 daughter-n-loves, and 5 grandchildren. They love traveling and fly fishing together.