Jan Busco, Botany Research Specialist
Jan has worked with native plants for more than three decades and is the curator of MNA’s gardens and grounds. She holds a master’s degree in forestry from Northern Arizona University and previously served as horticulturist at Grand Canyon National Park and the Arboretum at Flagstaff, and as co-director of the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plants in Southern California. She has written three books on western native plants: Native Plants for High-Elevation Western Gardens (Fulcrum Press 2010, 2004), First Garden: How to get Started in Southwestern Gardening (Cool Springs Press 2005) and First Garden: How to get Started in California Gardening. She was the recipient of the Norman B. Herkenham award in 2013, which recognizes individuals, businesses, or organizations that further the education and implementation of native plant landscaping.