(Flagstaff, Ariz.) January 2, 2015– Experience the world of Colorado Plateau invertebrates when The Sedona Muses of the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) present “Venom on the Colorado Plateau: Toxic, Tiny, Spineless Critters,” Monday, January 12, at 7 p.m. with Dr. Larry Stevens. The lecture kicks off the organization’s monthly lecture series running the second Monday of the each month January through April at the Sedona United Methodist Church, 110 Indian Cliffs Road. Tickets are $6 for MNA and Sedona Muses members and $7 for nonmembers and are available for purchase at Bashas’ in Sedona, Weber’s IGA at the Village of Oak Creek, or at the door beginning at 6:30 p.m. the evening of the event.
Dr. Stevens, MNA’s Curator of Conservation and Ecology, will discuss the fascinating world of spiders, scorpions, and other venomous creatures; how venom is made and stored; what it means to be venomous; and how to protect oneself from toxins.
Dr. Stevens received his undergraduate degree from Prescott College in 1974, and his Masters of Science and doctorate in Zoology degrees from Northern Arizona University. He has conducted extensive research on southwestern biogeography, conservation ecology, endangered and non-native species biology, as well as springs, riverine, wetlands, and dam ecology and management. Dr. Stevens has written more than 70 scientific peer-reviewed articles, three books, and numerous popular articles.
“This series is a wonderful opportunity for the public to learn more about the art, archaeology, geology, biology, and cultures of Northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau from experts in their fields,” said Sedona Muses liaison and MNA staff member Mari Soliday. “This season’s presenters will provide great insight into the potentially dangerous flora and fauna that call the Colorado Plateau home.”
2015 Lecture Schedule
January 12, 2015 Toxic, Tiny, Spineless Critters with Dr. Larry Stevens
February 9, 2015 Mean Green—Poisonous Plants with Dr. Gwendolyn Waring
March 9, 2015 Snakes and Lizards—Hisssss! with Dr. Steven Carothers & Tanner Carothers
April 13, 2015 Ants — From Fatal to Fantastic with Dr. Gary Alpert