Jonah Hill
Jonah Hill, head of Lomayoosi Designs, is a member of the Quechan and Hopi tribes. He is a multi-media artist specializing in wood carving, metal work, and printmaking. At the Heritage Festival this year he will present a workshop on making tools from gourds and be featuring his hand-painted gourd earrings.
Jonah is also known for his neotraditional sterling silver jewelry created using traditional techniques including tufa casting, cuttle bone casting, and silver overlay.
Jonah attended the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe New Mexico and currently lives and works in Flagstaff. He draws upon his traditional teachings and experience as a medicinal herbalist and river guide to create designs that reflect the deserts and rivers of the Four Corners region. Jonah has won awards at the Museum of Northern Arizona Hopi market, and at the Hopi Tribal All Native Art show in Flagstaff and exhibited at the Heard Indian Museum Hopi Carvers Exhibition, San Diego Museum of Man, and The Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.
Follow Jonah on Instagram and Facebook at lomayoosidesigns.
For custom orders, email jonahthesilversmith@gmail.com
Watch Jonah demonstrate tufa casting here.