The Harold S. Colton Memorial Library is an indispensable resource for anyone doing research on the Colorado Plateau. It contains several thousand periodicals, books, reports, separates (pamphlets, reprints, and booklets), theses and dissertations, and maps. The Library collection is strongest in the fields of archaeology, ethnology, and geology, with additional materials on biology, geography, history, art, and museology.
Due to the nature of our materials, the Library is non-circulating and does not participate in interlibrary loan. Visitors are welcome to use our materials onsite by appointment. Please contact the Archivist and provide as much information as possible so that we can better assist you.
If the item you seek is from an MNA publication such as Plateau, Museum Notes or MNA’s research publications or bulletins, please check the MNA Shops first. They may have copies available for sale which would be available to you more swiftly and cost-effectively than having the same materials duplicated by library staff. Indexes to Plateau, including its predecessor Museum Notes, are available below.
Copies or scans may be permitted depending on the condition of the item and whether there are any restrictions on copying. Check with the Archivist for the current fees for copies or digital files or to request to have copies sent to you. Copies are subject to copyright laws and approval must be obtained for any publication. Culturally sensitive items may only be photocopied (and will be clearly stamped) with the written permission of the correct tribal authority.
Indexes to our publications
Museum Notes, July 1951 to April 1955
Author and Subject Index for Volumes 24 to 27
View PublicationMuseum Notes and Plateau, July 1928 to April 1959
A Bibliography of Articles Through Volume 31
View Publication