Science Day at MNA

September 30, 10 am – 5 pm
This free museum day is sponsored by APS.

Check out the two newest science exhibits, Designed to Move: Seeds that Float, Fly or Hitchhike Through the Desert Southwest and Seeing People Through Trees: A Human History of the Forest. Docents and museum staff will host activity tables in the museum’s galleries, and an outdoor nature scavenger hunt on the museum’s grounds.


11:00 am – 2 pm – Science Stations for all ages

Try Dendrochronology – sand and count the rings on a slice of tree

See a seed grow – Plant a seed in a clear container and take it home to watch it grow.

Make a Nature Journal

Meet a botanist


2:00 pm – The Last of the Ice Age Mammoths on the Colorado Plateau
Dr. Dave Gillette
Come hear Dr. David Gillette tell the story of the Huntington Mammoth of Central Utah, an ancient resident of the Colorado Plateau. This mammoth tale explores dams, genes, and the possible association of mammoths with early humans on the Colorado Plateau! See mammoth dung and other artifacts from the MNA collection. Paleontologist Dave Gillette is best known for his discovery of the dinosaur Diplodocus hallorum in 1985.


3:30 pm- The Healing Art: Shakespeare’s understanding of the body compared to our medical knowledge today
Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival with Mackenzie Lurie
Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival explores with medical professional Mackenzie Lurie how the understanding of the human heart has changed through the centuries. The presentation will include scenes from Shakespeare’s plays with actors from Flagshakes embedded in the context of Shakespeare’s worldview while interjected with new insights into the medical field of today.