March 12 @ 4:11 pm
3 events found.
Baje Whitethorne Sr: Náátsʼíílid/Rainbow Light
Museum of Northern Arizona 3101 N Fort Valley Rd, FlagstaffBursting with color, this retrospective exhibit presents the full spectrum of art by Baje Whitethorne Sr., a visual storyteller acclaimed for his colorful paintings full of life and energy. Born ...
Blow, Blow Volcano!
Discovery Village Winding Brook Rd., FlagstaffWe know that the San Francisco Peaks are a big volcano that once blew its top! In this presentation for preschoolers, kids get to see a model erupt and learn ...
Disruptive Eruptions
Discovery Village Winding Brook Rd., FlagstaffMake a model eruption within view of our favorite volcano – the San Francisco Peaks! Learn how much of our landscape was formed by volcanic activity, and how the same ...