The Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database compiles literature about rock art into a searchable, online bibliography, providing free access to more than 40,000 citations.
E-mail additions, corrections and comments to:
Leigh Marymor, CompilerMore
How to Cite
Marymor, Leigh (Compiler), [current year], Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database, https://musnaz.org/search_rock_art_studies_db/ (Accessed dd/mm/yyyy), Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff
Established in 1983, the Bay Area Rock Art Research Association is an avocational group of professionals and amateur enthusiasts who share a dedication to rock art conservation, research and education in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California. BARARA publishes a newsletter and organizes visits to rock art sites and other rock art conservation activities.
Learn MoreAcknowledgements
We thank the following people for their invaluable help: Bob Marks and Evelyn Billo of Rupestrian Cyberservices; Theresa Salazar, Curator of Western American at the Bancroft Library; Lynne Grigsby of the Bancroft; Kelley Hays-Gilpin at Museum of Northern Arizona; Amy Marymor; and the many database users whose contributions have been critical to the project’s success.